1. The colors of the shirt RED, WHITE, BLUE (colors of the confederate flag). When an African man's face appears on a shirt with these colors it automatically means SLAVE. White people know this and share a little laugh.
2. PRIME. The Africans that were brought over in slaves were rated by the slave traders. PRIME was used to indicate a buck that was of good breeding stock but would probably be unwilling to take many orders.
3. With the helmet on an African mans head it automatically takes away his hair. The African man's hair is important and sets him apart and demonstrates his superiority. When they cover his hair they mean he is less than a man.
4. Finally they want to scare as many people as possible by hinting that Barak Obama is a robot. This is one of the greatest insults because it is so juvenile. But there are enough rednecks that will use this to justify voting against President Obama.
I wish these poeple would just focus on the issues and stop with the hate. It is no wonder this country is so divided.
I wish I could, like others, believe that you mean this as a joke, but I fear that you actually believe this.
Optimus Prime is the HERO of a comic book series.
The creators of this t-shirt are actually saying "Barack Obama is an intergalactic hero."
It is, in fact, while perhaps a bit silly, a huge compliment from those who are comic book fans.
You probably should do a bit more research before you post.
there's also another flag that has those colors remember the one that flies to show that you have the freedom to right crap like this THE AMERICAN FLAG!
They say first impressions are lasting impressions. After stumbling on this blog, the first (and only) post I read was this piece of appallingly bad research. I must say, I have a pretty firm opinion in my mind of the usefulness of this blog, and I doubt anything else I might read here would change that first impression.
As the commenter above me said, I hope this guy is making a joke, because it sure doesn't make sense any other way.
Dear Ms. imanonymous,
I guess you don't know that the colors of the USA flag came from the colors of the confederate flag. Maybe you should do more research. Think about it!
"I guess you don't know that the colors of the USA flag came from the colors of the confederate flag."
Even if that was true, (which, of course, it isn't) it would still have no bearing on anything.
What elijah said is right on the money. You might not be writing this as a joke; you might be dead serious. If you are, this is one of the most tragic wastes of brain power I've seen in a long time.
At least "Truth_First" is trying to give us all a little something to chuckle over, but it looks like you actually believe this nonsense.
You should take your own advice and do some research. Either that, or make it a little more obvious that you're kidding around.
The american flag came first. Trust me i have done my research because i am a proud southerner. Have you even read a history book or are they all corrupt to because most of the pages are white(it must be a sublimenal message).
Ms. imanonymous,
White history books are written by "White People". White history books conveniently change information to hide the truth and to make themself look good. If you don't know that by now then maybe you should be a regular visiter at my site so that you can learn what really happened.
Ask yourself, why would Fayed X be spending all this time writing a web log if there wasn't something important to say. Think about it!
"White history books conveniently change information to hide the truth and to make themself look good."
What's to stop black history books from doing the same?
If your question is about History books written by Africans then you must already know the answer. Africans have no need to hide the truth because the truth always shows the goodness of the African. Why would ANY African change the truth? Your question makes not sense. Think about it.
Ok fayed x I'm confused. You said in a comment on this blog that the American flag came from the Confederate flag and with a picture of Obama it means slavery. But in this blog https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=7500384692448671067&postID=852847501938162647 you said the Confederacy was really for freeing the slaves. Care to explain?
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