There is too much to tell to put it on a blog and not everyone that needs the truth has access to a computer. My book, "Inside White America" is close to be ready for release. My publisher assures me that we will be able to get it into the hands of all those who need the TRUTH even those who can't afford it! With this announcement I am putting the white power structure on the notice. The days of being able to hide the past and change the history is almost over. Think about it!
UPDATE 1: By the way, I will be sharing a few parts of the book so people can be excited. I have to say that I am really excited. My email has lit up like it's on fire. With exposing TimBob (or as I call him Jim Bob - a name he hates) people are seeing how much influence I can have. I'm sure this confirms the decision that President Obama made with me. Thanks for all the support! I could have done it without you.
UPDATE 2: My cousin James sent me an idea for the cover of the book. There is a little too much white for me butother than that I liked it. What do you think? (Please remember I can't respond to each email because they are so many. I will write to as many as I can.)

Well, this is my last comment here too. I think it's a pity that after Tim Bob graciously offered to turn his blog into nothing more than a link to yours (because he liked your blog better than that creepy Truth First guy) so people would actually come here and read your stuff, you turned around and insulted him by accusing him of being part of a racist conspiracy, so he ended up removing the link from his blog.
Not that I blame him. And I love the comment about you "discrediting" him. The fact that you would even say something like that is sure proof to all seven of your readers that you're not at all an honest person.
Tim Bob's Final Chapter
I was first attracted to your blog but now see you are crazy as hell if you think millions and millions of white people in America are in on a conspiracy together. Give me a break.
Maybe stupid old white men at the top of the power structure but not all white people.
Get real.
Too bad elained won't be here to read this but I think it is clear to everyone that Jim Bob thought he was doing me a favor. Now isn't that just like the white man to think that he was responsible for everyones work. He even removed the linked to my site like he was going to shut down my readership. Ha! I exposed him as the fake he was and stopped him from tricking people from learning the truth. We are winning!
Fayed x another question I would like ask you. Are you with or against Truth first, you seemed with him at first then in your latest comment you claimed he was a liar. So? Which is it?
I'm glad you ask and it is a important question. I have posted an update on the Professor's site saying that I was sorry for the trick. It was the only thing I could think of to do to trick Jim Bob to reveal that he was a fake.
I know that the Professor could see what I was doing but I am sorry if I made you doubt him. He is a great man who I hope to become.
Now that Jim Bob has been shown to be a liar and a faker I think we will make a lot more progress with our site.
Alaykum Salam My Brother
Okay Fayed, let me make sure I understand this, I'm not sure my tiny white brain can comprehend it properly: Tim Bob was playing a trick on Truth First, which you thought was wrong. Derivation based on your logic: tricking people is wrong. You admitted to playing a trick on Tim Bob. By your very own logic, playing tricks is wrong. Colloquially, two wrongs don't make a right. Therefore, how are you justifying your behavior since you are, in essence, stooping down to Tim Bob's level?
The African man is incapable of doing anything deceitful unless he is forced into it by the white man. Think about it.
The white man is incapable of doing anything deceitful unless he is forced into it by the African man. Think about it.
What was your point again? Think about it!
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