After much considering I have decided to remove my photo from the site. As I become more popular and gain more influence I realize that safety is a concern. I feel bad to do it but I replaced my own picture with the symbol of the struggle that I am engaged in fighting for. I know there will be those who say that this move is cowardly but those efforts are only designed to bring me back out into the open. It is important to protect those around me and to protect those that I represent and if I am recognized by someone it could indanger people. The success of certain people (especially African people) is not tolarated by some people. But as always I do what it right.

No one cares. Think about it!
Please be sure to read my new posting today. This is your last warning.
Just did, and since you asked so nicely (and not because of any sort of warning you posted) I won't sardonically append "Think about it!" to the end of this post.
Good post.
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