President Barack Obama receives fair coverage from exactly two anchors on the cable channels - Kieth Olberman and Chris Mathews. These two men have provided an important voice and excellent coverage but that has apparently upset some people. All of the suddent words like "incendiary" and "biased" are used to describe these objective reporters. Tod Scarbrough is someone that has most of the influence at MSNBC. Kieth Olberman has worked his way up and tried to do a good job but Scarbrough just won't allow it. I guess that's what Olberman gets for trying to fight the white power structure.
For everyone that reads my blog I am not usually liking white anchors that are part of the corrupt reporting structure. But I am a fan of Olberman and Mathews because they tell it like it is even when it is unpopular. There reward for their good reporting is to be pulled off the story. I can only hope this report is a mistake but you can see if The New York Time is lying.
************ACTION ALERT***********
If this is true please email MS NBC to tell them to change this choice. Make them understand that if they won't put back on these men that they should have Oprah do it.
1 comment:
Top Ten List (Based On Fayed X's last ten posts)
1. Posted a comedian spoof without realizing it was a spoof.
2. Got fooled into believing the hoax email his cousin sent him really was from Obama
3. Though he claims to be high in Obama's confidence, doesn't even recognize real footage of his candidate.
4. Thinks someone might actually care about his novel he's writing.
5. Thinks a bunch of tree huggers wailing about technology's damage to the environment is proof that they are descended from slave owners.
6. Thinks he can sue people for saying "Think about it"
7. Thinks his readers are stupid enough that they won't realize he got totally duped and embarrassed by Tim Bob
8. Thinks he is gaining popularity and influence to the extent that someone might want to off him.
9. Thinks Plouffe, Biden, and Obama actually know who he is.
10. Thinks that the worst thing Obama has ever been called is: "Intergalactic Hero"
Death To Stupidity! Long Live Tim Bob!
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