A picture says so much and with the Honorable Kwame Kilpatrick the picture shows a great man who grieves for the plight of his people. If there was ever a man who was set up by the system it was Mayor Kilpatrick. The lies that have been spread about him have finally forced him to step down. It is my belief that
he was threatened with death from the establishment if he did not step down. Think about that? A man who was democratically elected. He now is forced to watch the will of the people overturned for fear of allowing this proud man to stay in office. Think about how different he was treated treated than the GOVERNOR of NY who was caught in a prostitution ring. What is the big difference? I don't want to have to point it out so I will just include a picture.

Ask yourself, who gets the special benefit and walks away with no problems having comitted far worse crimes (Larry Craig, Elliott Spitzer) If there ever was a disgrace in the so-called justice system it is here.
UPDATE: I wanted to just write a little bit about the stuff I have been reading on the internet today. Even on the liberal blogs that are supposed to be on the correct side of things I am seeing fear of a powerful African man. I even read on blog that the Mayor used "
gangster methods"(posted by Andreas #27). That was discusting to me and reflects the kind of fear of powerful Africans on both the Democrat and especiall the Republican (Party of Slavery) sides.
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