In this part of series I am doing on exposing the Right Wing Conspiracy I am going to deal with the issues that Republicans say they stand for and the
real truth of their history and factual hatred of Africans that dates back to the actual origins of the Republican party. Incidentally this information isn't hard to find. People just walk around blindly instead of looking into things for themselves. Most are controlled puppets of the state. Think about it!

When the whig party fell apart there were essentiall two main ideas in the United States that could be divided relatively easily. There was the party that focused on wanting Africans kicked out the country and there was the party that wanted to eliminate slavery. The party that wanted to eliminate slavery and had a plan to do it in a humane and effective way drew its name Democratic from the way that they felt that slaves should be treated. They wanted these new members of the
democratic society to have a full voice in the affairs of state. Interestingly most of the influenctial people that were original members of the Democratic party were Southern aristocrats who had seen first hand the ugliness that slavery was. They were born into it and hated what they saw. They were determined to get rid of it.
On the other side of the coin was a group that feared the African because of his vastly superior intelligence, impressive physical structure and even due to his greater sexual prowess (Many white men feared that free negroes would take away all of the white women). In a letter from one of Lincoln's top aides we see some of the founding thoughts of the group. This new Republican party "sought to save the Republic from the negroe" and to deport all those of "persons of African ancestry to the dark continent of their origin" or somewhere far away from the American shores. This is actually where the one drop philosophy was developed. In the letter it was stated that "a negro is classified as anyone that has even 1 drop of African blood in his lineage" and because of that they were to be deported.

So horrible was the idea to progressive Democrats that the Civil War broke out. Lincoln is credited with freeing the slaves but if you look closely at his so-called emancipation it becomes clear that it was a military strategy. What Lincoln did was emancipate
only the slaves in the South saying nothing of slaves located anywhere else. Lincoln's plan was to provide "
freedom that will unsettle the negro population so greatly as to afford considerable anarchy as slave will rise up against master and cause appreciable disarray." Lincoln's cynical plan failed and slave happily fought alongside master in the Confederate army until the conclusion of the war. (Note: Without the help of a secret French alliance with some money funneled from Russia, the Union army would have been defeated and Africans would have been liberated in the 1860's enjoying full citizenship in the New South.)
When the Union army (then controlled by corrupt French officials and under the direction of Tsar Nicholas)

forced Lee's surrender a great masscre followed. Former slaves were rounded up and shot or deported by the thousands. This would have continued were it not for the actions of Democrat civil libertarians who fought for the right of Africans to be treated as equals. Much of that history has been covered up but it is still available.
Now that you know the real history of the Republican party you can see for yourself why minorities don't celebrate Lincoln as "The Great Emancipator." He was just the first term of George Bush.
Awesome! People need to know this, because no one EVER talks about it!
Fayed X
I am a man who fights against the injustices that he sees all around him. I fight to support Barack Obama and stand opposed to all of those who spread hate against Dr. King's pick to head the country.
You don't even bother spelling his name correctly in any of your posts.
Are you frightend Tony? If you don't know the correct African spelling please don't reveal your ignorance. Think about it.
I always thought that if you don't know something, it is better to reveal your ignorance, because then at least you have the possibility of learning something.
But, if you think it is better to stick your head in the sand and hide ignorance, I guess that's your choice!
Woah, that's weird. You deleted the post in which I pointed out the consequence of your attitude toward ignorance. That seems a little weird, my friend.
But, I guess it is in keeping with what you've said about ignorance!
Mr. Mustapha,
I didn't delete your comment because of what you said about ignorance and lying about me won't change the truth. But I leave my blog open for comments so that you can expose yourself. My readers know exactly who you are and I don't ned to point out something. Think about it
Actually, I saw what Mustapha said. He said that your attitude toward ignorance explained a lot about the things that you can read on this site.
I think he's right, and I think it's a pity you thought it necessary to delete his comment.
And he's also right that your decision to delete his comment falls right in line with your attitude about ignorance.
I'll be interested to see if you delete this comment as well.
How can you know what Mustapha said? His comment was made before yours added! My readers know what happened and they don't need you trying to trick them.
Always remember that I will not allow racism or attacks of readers on my blog. I understand why some try to attack me because they can't stand to see an African do well. I have faced that every day of my life from the day I was born. If I let that happen that I would never be as good as the white power structure I am opposing. Think about it!
hi fayed, I don't understand your question. I read his post before you deleted it.
I don't understand why you would even ask that question...since I was able to quote to you what he said (maybe not word for word, but pretty close), you KNOW that I read it.
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