Monday, September 8, 2008

Fake Obama Supporter

On the MTV awards Russle Brand came out in support of President Obama as a trick.  He is pretending to like President Obama only to get people to vote for McCain.  DON'T BE FOOLED!  This man is crazy and knows that people will vote against anyone he supports.  He is a John McCaine campaign supporter and this whole thing is a act.  

I can assure you that the Obama people do not want this man's support because he hurts their cause.  People like this are so tricksters that it makes me angry.  He is a typical white person who simply is using reverse psychiatry.

Think about it.


Anonymous said...

And you are different how? You too are using your claim to support Obama, coupled with your insane ramblings, to try to trick people away from voting for Obama. If you can do it, why is it wrong for Brand to do it?

You Know the Drill

Fayed X said...

1) I don't understand your point


B) It doesn't make any sense

What drill? Is that suppose to be a threat?

Think about it!

Anonymous said...

This is boring.

He's just going out of his way to convince us that the whole thing is a hoax. I'm out of here.

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