In Part I I reveal the connection between the Republicans, the online community and major print media with two very clear and obvious examples. In Part II I will finally reveal how important issues that the Republicans say they stand for and the real truth about their history. Finally, in Part III I will show how Barack Obama will win in the electoral college and that it is mathematically impossible for John McCain to win. I will also do a brief explanation of the electoral college that shows why it was set up by Republicans to secure victory but is coming back to bit them. Barack Obama has figured out how to overcome that advantage and win with more votes.
Part I - The GOP, Online and Print Media Conspiracy
When I was writing this post for my site I didn't have the new most recent cover of Time magazine. I also did not have a key picture from a site called Hot Air. My original piece explained the connections but I didn't have the images that I do now. And like the old saying goes, a picture says a thousand words.
The Time Magazine Cover
The Republican party has long dominated print media and has been successful in spreading the myth that there is a liberal media. Over the years they have tricked most of white America that there is some kind of bias. That way the people that read the print media will believe anything positive that is said in those materials because the thinking goes - the liberal media would never put something positive in their writings unless it was absolutely true.

When this cover was released it made clear that Sarah Palin was being legitimized by the conservative magazine Time. The phrase "The Education of Sarah Palin" is perceived very differently in the minority community than it is in white America. When minorities read this phrase they automatically believe that Palin is educated and therefore knowledgable, skilled and experienced.
Compare this cover to the cover with Barack Obama. Notice that it says "The Next President" but it also has a picture of an explosion and the words "Nuclear rogues" on the cover. Suggesting that if Obama is the next president that it will result in a nuclear war. I didn't think Time was going to make it so easy but I think it is fairly evident who controls Time magazine and what message they are attempting to send to minorities.
Hot Air is Right!
In the online community the kontrol is just as evident even if it takes a little more skill to see. Michelle Malkin is a supposed Asian woman who represents all minorities in the minds of white America. She started a blog called Hot Air that is simply a Republican party bulletin board. The Hot Air site supposedly examines issues critically but what it really does is simply provide direction to the uninformed white voting bloc.

Hot Air management had recently done an open enrollment because their visits were down and their ad revenue was dropping (don't believe me - look it up). They wanted to get more people coming to the site and visiting their sponsers which is how they make money. Hot Air is still struggling but trying to get people to join so they used this image. The use of this image shows their desperation. On an editorial note I think part of the problem is that most people that look like the target audience of Hot Air really don't know how to use a computer anyway.
Stay tuned because my next installment will reveal the connection between the Republican party, slavery and an opposition to civil rights. I will expose how they worked to stop Dr. King and even wire tapped him illegally. I will also expose the dirty tricks they are using to smear President Obama. Look for it.
I'll post here again after I stop laughing....LOL!
I don't really understand the time magazine comment. Obama has been on the cover 7 different times and McCain only twice.
Why is it that you fail to recognize the TRUTH even when you see it first hand?
Mr. Mustapha,
ENOUGH! Your attempts to denagrate me and connect me with someone else are insulting. The fact that you lack the courage to list your own blog or email make it clear to my readers that you are just another part of white establishment. It is not possible for you to descredit me so don't even try. If you want to debate issues then you should make real arguments instead of smears. Think about it!
Excellent! "Think about it!" is a completely different catchphrase from "It is the truth!" Actually, I think I like this one better. Nice job. :)
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