Think about it!

I included a little part of my email so you can see what it is like to have someone like David contact you. I don't want this to sound bragging but I have got attention because you all must be reading and talking about it. So big ups for helping me get close to President Obama.
Starting next week I'm going to start sending DAvid my ideas and will share my letters with you. I have a pole set up to get your ideas for what should go first.
"I was flattered to be the first to get it but obviously my site is starting to start some noise."
For the record, your blog has a Page Rank (PR) of zero. This is a measure (from zero to ten) of the popularity of your site. To give you a sense of where your blog pet's blog has a PR of two.
Also, your blog has so little traffic that Alexa hasn't even been able to calculate a traffic rank for your site.
So no, you didn't get that because your blog is "making some noise." The truth is, based on reading your reader comments, most of the people who are coming here and reading your blog are people who are regulars at the "Truth_First" blog, and came over here hoping for some more funny stuff.
And, by the way, you certainly were not the "first" to receive this. If you run a search, you will discover that there are over 800 bloggers who have posted the text of this email on their blogs already.
wow...that's kind of embarrassing, fayed x.
Okay, I was wrong. I did come back to read some more. Based on what timbob said (and I was able to verify it for myself - actually 804 blogs, and that's only the ones that google knows about*), I see that my initial impression was correct.
If this isn't a joke blog, it certainly is the most poorly researched bit of writing I've seen in a long time.
*that 804 does not include this blog, by the way, because it didn't come up in the listings!
I seriously hope the Obama campaign does start taking advice from you. It will mean a landslide victory for the McCain/Palin ticket.
You know, I can't help but wonder if maybe it was this sort of thing that got Truth First thinking that HE was a campaign adviser.
Pretty soon Fayed X, will start claiming to be a campaign adviser as well.
I read that this email went out to Obama's entire campaign email list, which is probably thousands, if not millions of people.
Mr. Jim Bob,
First of all I don't even know who Alexa is and so I really don't care what she thinks. There is nothing funny about exposing white treachery. I was fool by Truth First and so I stopped commenting. The writer of that site doesn't really know the African experience and I very quickly saw that he was trying to make a pathetic joke.
By the way jealousness is nothing to be proud of. Maybe you should take some advice from your pet (who supposubly has a web log). By the way do you really think I would believe that your pet could make a web page. Nice try. Think about it.
The reason you came back was to learn the truth. Truth calls to people and they want to escape from the bondage that holds them captivated.
When you look for my blog rankings maybe you should be impressed by 804. That is almost 1000. Maybe you are like Mr. Jim Bob who is so jealous of my success. It shouldn't suprise me that as soon as an African man starts to be successful that all you want to do is tear him down.
Ask yourself why you want to do that. What are you afriad of. Think about it.
I'll save timbob the trouble of replying, fayed x, and tell you that Alexa is not a person. It is one of the premier websites for calculating web traffic. And as I said, I verified what timbob told you: Alexa reports no traffic data for your site...that's how little traffic you're getting.
As for thinking that I suggested you had a page ranking of 804, that's just crazy. I think you should read my post again. As timbob said, you don't have ANY page ranking.
Irrational and uncorroborated implications, such as "If someone disagrees with me he must be afraid of something" or "If someone comes back to my site for a second look, that's proof that I'm telling the truth..." just make you look silly and pathetic.
Think about it.
That's weird that you keep calling him Jim Bob. You were doing that over on the other blog, too weren't you? Is that some sort of inside joke the two of you have got going?
Oh, good grief. Don't tell me you and TB are in on this one together also???
Hello Fayed,
It is fairly obvious that there is an orchestrated attempt going on to discredit you and your work. It is typical for certain groups to do this but I admit I'm shocked at the animosity toward you personally. I want you to know that I support you Fayed. I wish you had a tip jar so I could make a donation. Keep up the good work and keep fighting for your people. African Americans owe you a debt of gratitude and I hope you get waves of traffic. - A Genuine Supporter
P.S. I will email you with my contact information.
"I'm shocked at the animosity toward you personally."
Holy Smokes! That's about the most bizarre thing I've read on here! The comments which have been posted here have been designed to point out erroneous conclusions that fayed x has made.
True, there is a bit of sarcasm (like the bit about the landslide), but that certainly is understandable considering that this is the second blog post that fayed x has posted that is completely based on erroneous information that he never even bothered to research, and when his errors are pointed out, he does nothing to correct them.
What do you expect? Did you expect that people could post factually incorrect statements and NOT have people offer correction? What kind of world would we live in then? Think about it!
Oh, by the way, lots of people create blogs for their's a way of showing off pictures and stories about things your pet has done. It may seem a bit strange, sure, but plenty of people do it. There's even a competition out there for "Best Pet Blog" each year.
Dear Mr. Genuine Supporter,
I don't want and I don't need your money. You will notice that I have not placed any ads on my site either. I do not traffic in the white man's trade but earn my money the way a proud African should. I would never take a handout because as soon as I do then people would say I am on the take. I hope you continue to come to my site so that you can learn. Think about it!
Ha! Mr. Jim Bob didn't say he made a web log for his pet. He said "my pet's blog" as thought his pet made it. That was a lie and I knew it was a lie. As soon as I read that I knew the rest of his post was going to be more of the same lies.
Here is the first way to know if what you are reading is real truth. If you find a lie in it early on or even if you find deceiving then you know you should be careful. Sometimes people make mistkaes but he was trying to make it out like his pet could make a better web log than me. That was insulting and made me very angry. Do you think he would have said that to a non-African? Think about it!
When he started talking about Alexa like it was somebody I was supposed to know or care about (with a white name) I knew he was up to more tricks. He can't stand it and is comparing me to a dog to even make me sound worse.
I don't understand why there is so much hate because I believe in working toget the best outcome. Do you think that we can end racism with all the hate? No.
Hi Fayed. Actually, everything I said in that post was the truth. Of course, I had no idea you wouldn't know what Alexa is - I should have explained that.
Regarding my pet's blog, what bobo said is correct. I actually write my pet's blog in the "first person" (ie - as though he is writing it himself - my readers get a kick out of that). Which is why I referred to it as my pet's blog, rather than my blog about my pet.
My point (and you're right, it was unfair for me to compare your blog to my pet's) was not to compare you to a dog (actually, my pet is not a dog, but a bird - and I wasn't saying that you are a bird!), but to help you understand that if a blog about one person's PET had a higher page rank than yours, you shouldn't make the assumption that you had a large readership...YET.
Anyway, I wanted to say, that's 100% the truth, and also that, as long as you keep to your promise not to sell out and post ads on your blog, this post will be the last time I pester you on here.
I hope you'll take a moment to read this from start to finish:
The End Of A Journey
Tim Bob
P.S. Tim Bob is not my real name, so you can continue calling me Jim Bob if you like! :)
Well played, Jim elegant and courteous way to bow out of this mess you created.
Having outsmarted Jim Bob so easily I am glad to be able to give hope to my brothers who feel like the white man can not be defeated. They all have a weakness and I will explain how to beat them in my book.
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