One of the things I have noticed since I started blogging many years ago was the unwillingness of many people to actually have honest discourse. One of the most interesting aspects of this is the frequent hyperbole that is employed and the genuine (and almost heartfelt) disrespect that is shown to one another. The speed at which posters resort to name calling is amazing.
I have been on conservative blogs and liberal blogs and I would like to share with you what I have learned. There is an orthodoxy of ideology that is required on many blogs. In fact I can't tell you how often I have been banned or threatened to be banned for doing nothing more than simply voicing an opposing opinion. The discussions (and I use that term generously) devolve into name calling and then the obligatory "I feel sorry for you" comments. It is shocking that a discussion cannot continue between Americans of good will without devolving into such ridiculous attacks.
I share this not as someone on the left or someone on the right but as someone who is very much like you. I believe that those that I disagree with are as American as I am. I believe that they have a genuine desire to make the country better. Unfortunately our political discourse is so extreme that we often lose sight of that. It pains me to see that we can't have a reasoned discussion and sometimes be willing to agree that there are downsides to our particular opinions and to our specific points of view. Because of that I encourage you to participate on blogs that allow all opinions no matter how ridiculous. The insane ideas will be shown for what they are.
If you currently post to a specific site (other than this one) think about this concept. How does the site handle diverging opinion? Are differences of opinion tolerated or are the "trolls" banned. If you belong to a site that does not tolerate dissent perhaps that is a reflection of the weaknesses of the blog author or of the opinion of the author. Agreement should not be a requirement of any blog because without dissent we never get the chance to hone our viewpoints or, heaven forbid, see a new idea and accept it.
I am grateful for those of you who have joined me on this particular ride. It is my hope that the next time I have a disagreement with someone on line that I will voice my opinion with respect and with the idea that the person I disagree with genuinely has a reason for feeling the way that they do. I also hope that I will consider that my own position may have flaws and that I should be confident enough to admit the flaws and be willing to be persuaded. Emotional attachments to ideological beliefs don't lend themselves well to open discourse. Maybe we should consider this in each of our debates.
In the end I realize this is nothing more than a blip in your life if even that. Maybe it is nothing at all to you. If I did anything I hope that I gave you the chance to consider some strange ideas and to realize that you know a great deal more than maybe even you realized you knew. America is a great country and I believe that institutionalized racism has been eradicated. Sure, racism is out there but I think that most of society regards modern day racists as people who likely have damaged chromosomes or were dropped on their heads as children. I say this about white and black racists both for it is clear that there are many racists on both sides of the issue.
To answer the remaining questions - is Timbob actually Professor Red? Is Professor Red actually Fayed X. Is Timbob all three? Are each of them different people? Does it matter? I wish you the best and hope that you will give these words some thought - or as Fayed X might say "Think about it!"
Monday, September 8, 2008
Fake Obama Supporter

I can assure you that the Obama people do not want this man's support because he hurts their cause. People like this are so tricksters that it makes me angry. He is a typical white person who simply is using reverse psychiatry.
Think about it.
Fair Coverage ENDED

President Barack Obama receives fair coverage from exactly two anchors on the cable channels - Kieth Olberman and Chris Mathews. These two men have provided an important voice and excellent coverage but that has apparently upset some people. All of the suddent words like "incendiary" and "biased" are used to describe these objective reporters. Tod Scarbrough is someone that has most of the influence at MSNBC. Kieth Olberman has worked his way up and tried to do a good job but Scarbrough just won't allow it. I guess that's what Olberman gets for trying to fight the white power structure.
For everyone that reads my blog I am not usually liking white anchors that are part of the corrupt reporting structure. But I am a fan of Olberman and Mathews because they tell it like it is even when it is unpopular. There reward for their good reporting is to be pulled off the story. I can only hope this report is a mistake but you can see if The New York Time is lying.
************ACTION ALERT***********
If this is true please email MS NBC to tell them to change this choice. Make them understand that if they won't put back on these men that they should have Oprah do it.
Sarah Palin Exposed
It is amazing that the main street press doesn't pick this up but it is another example of how the Republicans control the media. In this video we can see just how stupid and ignorant Sara Pallin is and that she is the kind of person we DONT need in the white house. Remember, don't vote for her or this is what you will get. Think about it!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
eMail with a Complement

Video Fakery and Body Double
There has been a lot of lies told about Barack Obama but one of the worst ones is that he was a frequent drug user. As someone who receives many emails from President Obama and important people around him I can tell you first hand that HE DOES NOT USE DRUGS. There is a video clip that has been sent around the internets and supposebly shows that he uses drugs or did at some other time. If you want to see for yourself you can see that it is a fake person pretending to be Barack Obama saying that he used drugs. The white establishment tries to hide the fact that the camera is moving all around but it is a LIE. They moved the camera like that so you can't get a good look at the guy pretending to be president Obama. Think about it.
Good News - Inside White America Preview 1 of 6
Until my book comes out I want to give some samples of what is in it. This will make a lot of people excited and give them a chance to see how my book will take down the white power structure. Here is the first part. I have six different parts that I am going to share. But don't worry. I will keep blogging too.
The Cradle of Civilization
Millions of years ago in the region that is full of light and knowledge, man came upon the planet and was in control of everything. This was the African man - the perfect man. The African man studied the world around him and understood the planet and solved the mysterious of the cosmos. The African man gave order to the world and when he was in control there was no global warming, no hate, no poverty and no mistrust. Because of the African man great civilizations were built and all of the great understanding that exists today was documented and made available to all other races that came after the African man.
The other races took the information from the African and made it their own. Some races corrupted the information and confused it so that it would not be traceable back to the African man. Sometimes the other races use the information against the African and attempted to control or break him down. No matter what the races did they were unable to gain control of the African man so they left the area in wind out across the face of the world.
Many of the records that recorded how the different groups evolve and became different races were destroyed over the years by the Caucasian man. Most scientists believe that there was a natural inferiority among the Caucasian groups and they begin and separating themselves into different regions around Africa. With the main and most prosperous tribe remaining in the heart of Africa the last successful tribes began migrating around the different parts of Africa. In many cases they would take the technology created by the original African man and attempt to use it on their own but their natural limitations prevented them from making civilizations like those created by the black African man. Over time races that were not as strong were forced out of Africa through competition or due to their own choice.
The Cradle of Civilization
Millions of years ago in the region that is full of light and knowledge, man came upon the planet and was in control of everything. This was the African man - the perfect man. The African man studied the world around him and understood the planet and solved the mysterious of the cosmos. The African man gave order to the world and when he was in control there was no global warming, no hate, no poverty and no mistrust. Because of the African man great civilizations were built and all of the great understanding that exists today was documented and made available to all other races that came after the African man.
The other races took the information from the African and made it their own. Some races corrupted the information and confused it so that it would not be traceable back to the African man. Sometimes the other races use the information against the African and attempted to control or break him down. No matter what the races did they were unable to gain control of the African man so they left the area in wind out across the face of the world.
Many of the records that recorded how the different groups evolve and became different races were destroyed over the years by the Caucasian man. Most scientists believe that there was a natural inferiority among the Caucasian groups and they begin and separating themselves into different regions around Africa. With the main and most prosperous tribe remaining in the heart of Africa the last successful tribes began migrating around the different parts of Africa. In many cases they would take the technology created by the original African man and attempt to use it on their own but their natural limitations prevented them from making civilizations like those created by the black African man. Over time races that were not as strong were forced out of Africa through competition or due to their own choice.
Stealing and Corrupting Culture
When Africans were stolen away from their peaceful culture more than 500 years ago to serve their slave masters the damage was significant to both sides. The white damage was a curse that is becoming more clear every day. Nature was important to Africans and many of the new Caucasians saw this fact but misunderstood how Africans used nature. My cousin James sent me a video that he says shows how the descendents of slaver masters are cursed. I believe that all white people who had forefathers involved in the slave trade are now accursed.
Copyrighted Sayings
I have noticed that some comenters and emailers have been using my special words "Think about it!" This shows the white man can't come up with creative words of his own. Remember that if you use my phrase you are breaking the law and I will be force to press charges if it continues. Consider this fare warning that you are not allowed to type or say "Think about it" since I used the words first. You wouldn't use the Nike words or the McDonalds words so dont forget that just because you dont know me doesnt mean I wont press charges. Think about it!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Truth Is Coming!
With all of the email I have been getting about finally discrediting Jim Bob and forcinghim out I can announce the next step. As you all know I have collected the best collection of facts and uncovered numberless secret "white plans" and have been writing about them ALL. My blog has only been a tip of the ice berg. By now there are so many people who want to know everything that I know and I must release the information before it is too late. In history rarely does an African man get to my level of influence without becoming a target. That is one reason that I took down my photo. There is too much at stake.
There is too much to tell to put it on a blog and not everyone that needs the truth has access to a computer. My book, "Inside White America" is close to be ready for release. My publisher assures me that we will be able to get it into the hands of all those who need the TRUTH even those who can't afford it! With this announcement I am putting the white power structure on the notice. The days of being able to hide the past and change the history is almost over. Think about it!
UPDATE 1: By the way, I will be sharing a few parts of the book so people can be excited. I have to say that I am really excited. My email has lit up like it's on fire. With exposing TimBob (or as I call him Jim Bob - a name he hates) people are seeing how much influence I can have. I'm sure this confirms the decision that President Obama made with me. Thanks for all the support! I could have done it without you.
UPDATE 2: My cousin James sent me an idea for the cover of the book. There is a little too much white for me butother than that I liked it. What do you think? (Please remember I can't respond to each email because they are so many. I will write to as many as I can.)
There is too much to tell to put it on a blog and not everyone that needs the truth has access to a computer. My book, "Inside White America" is close to be ready for release. My publisher assures me that we will be able to get it into the hands of all those who need the TRUTH even those who can't afford it! With this announcement I am putting the white power structure on the notice. The days of being able to hide the past and change the history is almost over. Think about it!
UPDATE 1: By the way, I will be sharing a few parts of the book so people can be excited. I have to say that I am really excited. My email has lit up like it's on fire. With exposing TimBob (or as I call him Jim Bob - a name he hates) people are seeing how much influence I can have. I'm sure this confirms the decision that President Obama made with me. Thanks for all the support! I could have done it without you.
UPDATE 2: My cousin James sent me an idea for the cover of the book. There is a little too much white for me butother than that I liked it. What do you think? (Please remember I can't respond to each email because they are so many. I will write to as many as I can.)

Safety and Security Steps
After much considering I have decided to remove my photo from the site. As I become more popular and gain more influence I realize that safety is a concern. I feel bad to do it but I replaced my own picture with the symbol of the struggle that I am engaged in fighting for. I know there will be those who say that this move is cowardly but those efforts are only designed to bring me back out into the open. It is important to protect those around me and to protect those that I represent and if I am recognized by someone it could indanger people. The success of certain people (especially African people) is not tolarated by some people. But as always I do what it right.

eMail Look
As a followup to my previous post I thought I would share with my readers another little peek into what it's like to have my inbox. Some of this is getting out of hand. I'm not even paid by the campaign and they are contacting me like everyday. But it's all good - I'm there to support Barack Obama because as I said before - he is Dr. King's choice.

Friday, September 5, 2008
Enough is enough.
The Obama campaign has a new slogan that they emailed to me directly. David Plouffe emailed me about this. Some of you probably don't know who David is but that doesn't suprise me. He is Barak Obamas campaign director. I was flattered to be the first to get it but obviously my site is starting to start some noise. When they chose "Enough is enough" I was pleased because I felt the same. It is time for the white power structure to be held accountable.
Think about it!
I included a little part of my email so you can see what it is like to have someone like David contact you. I don't want this to sound bragging but I have got attention because you all must be reading and talking about it. So big ups for helping me get close to President Obama.
Starting next week I'm going to start sending DAvid my ideas and will share my letters with you. I have a pole set up to get your ideas for what should go first.
Think about it!

I included a little part of my email so you can see what it is like to have someone like David contact you. I don't want this to sound bragging but I have got attention because you all must be reading and talking about it. So big ups for helping me get close to President Obama.
Starting next week I'm going to start sending DAvid my ideas and will share my letters with you. I have a pole set up to get your ideas for what should go first.
Worst Obama Slander?

1. The colors of the shirt RED, WHITE, BLUE (colors of the confederate flag). When an African man's face appears on a shirt with these colors it automatically means SLAVE. White people know this and share a little laugh.
2. PRIME. The Africans that were brought over in slaves were rated by the slave traders. PRIME was used to indicate a buck that was of good breeding stock but would probably be unwilling to take many orders.
3. With the helmet on an African mans head it automatically takes away his hair. The African man's hair is important and sets him apart and demonstrates his superiority. When they cover his hair they mean he is less than a man.
4. Finally they want to scare as many people as possible by hinting that Barak Obama is a robot. This is one of the greatest insults because it is so juvenile. But there are enough rednecks that will use this to justify voting against President Obama.
I wish these poeple would just focus on the issues and stop with the hate. It is no wonder this country is so divided.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Exposing the Right Wing Conspiracy - Part 2
In this part of series I am doing on exposing the Right Wing Conspiracy I am going to deal with the issues that Republicans say they stand for and the real truth of their history and factual hatred of Africans that dates back to the actual origins of the Republican party. Incidentally this information isn't hard to find. People just walk around blindly instead of looking into things for themselves. Most are controlled puppets of the state. Think about it!
When the whig party fell apart there were essentiall two main ideas in the United States that could be divided relatively easily. There was the party that focused on wanting Africans kicked out the country and there was the party that wanted to eliminate slavery. The party that wanted to eliminate slavery and had a plan to do it in a humane and effective way drew its name Democratic from the way that they felt that slaves should be treated. They wanted these new members of the democratic society to have a full voice in the affairs of state. Interestingly most of the influenctial people that were original members of the Democratic party were Southern aristocrats who had seen first hand the ugliness that slavery was. They were born into it and hated what they saw. They were determined to get rid of it.
On the other side of the coin was a group that feared the African because of his vastly superior intelligence, impressive physical structure and even due to his greater sexual prowess (Many white men feared that free negroes would take away all of the white women). In a letter from one of Lincoln's top aides we see some of the founding thoughts of the group. This new Republican party "sought to save the Republic from the negroe" and to deport all those of "persons of African ancestry to the dark continent of their origin" or somewhere far away from the American shores. This is actually where the one drop philosophy was developed. In the letter it was stated that "a negro is classified as anyone that has even 1 drop of African blood in his lineage" and because of that they were to be deported.
So horrible was the idea to progressive Democrats that the Civil War broke out. Lincoln is credited with freeing the slaves but if you look closely at his so-called emancipation it becomes clear that it was a military strategy. What Lincoln did was emancipate only the slaves in the South saying nothing of slaves located anywhere else. Lincoln's plan was to provide "freedom that will unsettle the negro population so greatly as to afford considerable anarchy as slave will rise up against master and cause appreciable disarray." Lincoln's cynical plan failed and slave happily fought alongside master in the Confederate army until the conclusion of the war. (Note: Without the help of a secret French alliance with some money funneled from Russia, the Union army would have been defeated and Africans would have been liberated in the 1860's enjoying full citizenship in the New South.)
When the Union army (then controlled by corrupt French officials and under the direction of Tsar Nicholas)
forced Lee's surrender a great masscre followed. Former slaves were rounded up and shot or deported by the thousands. This would have continued were it not for the actions of Democrat civil libertarians who fought for the right of Africans to be treated as equals. Much of that history has been covered up but it is still available.
Now that you know the real history of the Republican party you can see for yourself why minorities don't celebrate Lincoln as "The Great Emancipator." He was just the first term of George Bush.

On the other side of the coin was a group that feared the African because of his vastly superior intelligence, impressive physical structure and even due to his greater sexual prowess (Many white men feared that free negroes would take away all of the white women). In a letter from one of Lincoln's top aides we see some of the founding thoughts of the group. This new Republican party "sought to save the Republic from the negroe" and to deport all those of "persons of African ancestry to the dark continent of their origin" or somewhere far away from the American shores. This is actually where the one drop philosophy was developed. In the letter it was stated that "a negro is classified as anyone that has even 1 drop of African blood in his lineage" and because of that they were to be deported.

When the Union army (then controlled by corrupt French officials and under the direction of Tsar Nicholas)

Now that you know the real history of the Republican party you can see for yourself why minorities don't celebrate Lincoln as "The Great Emancipator." He was just the first term of George Bush.
A Slave Master's Smile

When President Obama chose this man to be his running mate I understood the reason. But just as quickly as he was named they beginning running his photo instead of the photo of Barack Obama. Why? Some faces aren't as appealing on major websites such as the Sludge Report. A major story today about how President Obama will prosecute Bush and whose picture gets - Joe Biden.
Railroaded - Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick

Ask yourself, who gets the special benefit and walks away with no problems having comitted far worse crimes (Larry Craig, Elliott Spitzer) If there ever was a disgrace in the so-called justice system it is here.
UPDATE: I wanted to just write a little bit about the stuff I have been reading on the internet today. Even on the liberal blogs that are supposed to be on the correct side of things I am seeing fear of a powerful African man. I even read on blog that the Mayor used "gangster methods"(posted by Andreas #27). That was discusting to me and reflects the kind of fear of powerful Africans on both the Democrat and especiall the Republican (Party of Slavery) sides.
Procedure 7
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Exposing the Right Wing Conspiracy - Part I
The expose that I have been working on for quite a while is going to be delivered in three different parts. I had to break it up because it was too long to put as one post and because I needed to rework some of the information due to breaking events.
Enter the Time magazine piece. Most minorities do not read Time magazine but most see the cover. Often they see the cover in doctor's offices or dentist's offices or somewhere that there is a white authority figure. This helps build the mistique around Time and makes it the most respected and authoritative magazine as perceived by minorities.
On their blog today they had a photo that had an important purpose. The photo was put up to attempt to belittle people in "blue" states by saying they are rednecks. Come on? Who do they think they are kidding? Blue state people are really people of color, people who are liberal and certainly not these people. What this photo was actually designed to do was to provide many white Americans with a sense of security.
In Part I I reveal the connection between the Republicans, the online community and major print media with two very clear and obvious examples. In Part II I will finally reveal how important issues that the Republicans say they stand for and the real truth about their history. Finally, in Part III I will show how Barack Obama will win in the electoral college and that it is mathematically impossible for John McCain to win. I will also do a brief explanation of the electoral college that shows why it was set up by Republicans to secure victory but is coming back to bit them. Barack Obama has figured out how to overcome that advantage and win with more votes.
Part I - The GOP, Online and Print Media Conspiracy
When I was writing this post for my site I didn't have the new most recent cover of Time magazine. I also did not have a key picture from a site called Hot Air. My original piece explained the connections but I didn't have the images that I do now. And like the old saying goes, a picture says a thousand words.
The Time Magazine Cover
The Republican party has long dominated print media and has been successful in spreading the myth that there is a liberal media. Over the years they have tricked most of white America that there is some kind of bias. That way the people that read the print media will believe anything positive that is said in those materials because the thinking goes - the liberal media would never put something positive in their writings unless it was absolutely true.

When this cover was released it made clear that Sarah Palin was being legitimized by the conservative magazine Time. The phrase "The Education of Sarah Palin" is perceived very differently in the minority community than it is in white America. When minorities read this phrase they automatically believe that Palin is educated and therefore knowledgable, skilled and experienced.
Compare this cover to the cover with Barack Obama. Notice that it says "The Next President" but it also has a picture of an explosion and the words "Nuclear rogues" on the cover. Suggesting that if Obama is the next president that it will result in a nuclear war. I didn't think Time was going to make it so easy but I think it is fairly evident who controls Time magazine and what message they are attempting to send to minorities.
Hot Air is Right!
In the online community the kontrol is just as evident even if it takes a little more skill to see. Michelle Malkin is a supposed Asian woman who represents all minorities in the minds of white America. She started a blog called Hot Air that is simply a Republican party bulletin board. The Hot Air site supposedly examines issues critically but what it really does is simply provide direction to the uninformed white voting bloc.

Hot Air management had recently done an open enrollment because their visits were down and their ad revenue was dropping (don't believe me - look it up). They wanted to get more people coming to the site and visiting their sponsers which is how they make money. Hot Air is still struggling but trying to get people to join so they used this image. The use of this image shows their desperation. On an editorial note I think part of the problem is that most people that look like the target audience of Hot Air really don't know how to use a computer anyway.
Stay tuned because my next installment will reveal the connection between the Republican party, slavery and an opposition to civil rights. I will expose how they worked to stop Dr. King and even wire tapped him illegally. I will also expose the dirty tricks they are using to smear President Obama. Look for it.
Cindy McCain as Isis?

For months I wondered what Cindy's McCain was doing always dressed in gold. Each new appearance and she was fully dressed in the finest golden cloth. She prefers to wear it almost over all other colors. A close friend of mine gave me a lead on Cindy's involvement in African religions so I started to look into it. After some digging I found that Cindy McCain appears to think she is the Egyptian Goddess Isis. It makes sense in a lot of ways considering Isis is the goddess of magic and life. The saddest thing is that she is stealing another part of African culture and trying to make it hers.
I spent just a few minutes and collected some Cindy McCain images and put them together with the image of Isis. You be the judge.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Weather Control?
One of the theories that I have heard kicked around was that the government has a way to control the weather. First let me say that the words that are chosen are used on purpose. Of course no one can CONTROL the weather. The idea is ludicrous and it makes people who even examine the issue look like we are kooks. However there is mounting evidence that the government can INFLUENCE the weather. Consider the facts:
1. Hurricane Katrina suddenly became powerful within a short period of time preventing Mayor Nagin from evacuating people from New Orleans as he had planned. Saying that the Mayor was negligent or planned poorly is just stupid. He knew what he had to do and had the school buses ready. The problem was that he didn't get to use the buses because they were "suddenly" flooded. Hmmmm?
2. Eye witnesses report that levees were blown up at the exact moment when it would have done the most harm to the city. The greatest amount of damage was done in heavily black neighborhoods where the storm seemed to go directly to. Hmmmm?
3. Katrina was a category 2 storm that became a category 5 storm faster than any hurricane in the history of weather. No scientists can explain it. Hmmmm?
4. Hurrican Gustav was heading toward Louisiana when it suddenly weakened and did little damage. It made landfall the same day that the Republicans announced that Sarah Palin's daughter was pregnant. It gave them enough time to redirect the media's attention and to the storm. It also made the Republican Governor look good since not as many people were killed. Hmmmm?
5. Hurricane Hanna was on a similar track to hit during the Republican convention and it suddenly weakened and slowed down. Hmmmm?
People who just ignore the evidence are fooling themselves.
1. Hurricane Katrina suddenly became powerful within a short period of time preventing Mayor Nagin from evacuating people from New Orleans as he had planned. Saying that the Mayor was negligent or planned poorly is just stupid. He knew what he had to do and had the school buses ready. The problem was that he didn't get to use the buses because they were "suddenly" flooded. Hmmmm?
2. Eye witnesses report that levees were blown up at the exact moment when it would have done the most harm to the city. The greatest amount of damage was done in heavily black neighborhoods where the storm seemed to go directly to. Hmmmm?
3. Katrina was a category 2 storm that became a category 5 storm faster than any hurricane in the history of weather. No scientists can explain it. Hmmmm?
4. Hurrican Gustav was heading toward Louisiana when it suddenly weakened and did little damage. It made landfall the same day that the Republicans announced that Sarah Palin's daughter was pregnant. It gave them enough time to redirect the media's attention and to the storm. It also made the Republican Governor look good since not as many people were killed. Hmmmm?
5. Hurricane Hanna was on a similar track to hit during the Republican convention and it suddenly weakened and slowed down. Hmmmm?
People who just ignore the evidence are fooling themselves.
Why I am an Obama Supporter!
(Originally posted August 13)
A long time ago when Barack Obama was getting started in his campaign I didn't even know who he was. But after I read his book Dreams from My Father I felt like I knew him on a personal level. He and I have been through so much together and I truly feel like we are family. The first time I saw him speak I was moved on an emotional basis. I felt in my heart that he knew exactly what it was like to be me. He knows what it is like to be pushed around because you are different, he knows what it is like to be treated like you are less than a person and he knows better than anyone what it means to be African American.
For years I felt like I couldn't be a part of any political thing because the racists on the right were unbeatable. Our nation has allowed that racist party for more than a hundred years and even some black people were joining THE PARTY OF SLAVERY. On the other hand there were the Democrats. They had done everything they could to help the downcast in our society but it seems that after they gave people of color the right to vote that they hadn't done much. It was like they were saying "We gave you the right to vote - what else do you want?" That's true but it isn't helping us today. If I was lucky I was getting only two meals a day in high school with school breakfast and school lunch but there was no dinner. I felt like the Democrats had back out on us.
95% of minority families are in poverty and when was the last time you heard of a college graduate that represented minorities? Sure some graduate but they don't represent real minorities. They leave the homes they were raised in and barely give money back to the communities. Money they owe!
As I thought about how our future is at stake I saw this brilliant and courageous black man step up. He was just like me. He struggled his whole life and when the Democrats saw how good he was they saw a chance to help black people once again. Our party rallied around Obama like nothing I ever saw. The unity that he inspires can grow throughout the country if we can only keep people like George W. Bush from keeping him out of the white house. They tried to say that women backed Hillary but she didn't even get the votes. The fact is that Bush and CNN and Fox and NPR have been working together to try to split us up.
I stand behind Obama because he gets it. He knows the issues, he knows foreign policy and he is going to even the playing field. Once we get him in office the world will wake up to a brand new unity like it has never had until that day.
A long time ago when Barack Obama was getting started in his campaign I didn't even know who he was. But after I read his book Dreams from My Father I felt like I knew him on a personal level. He and I have been through so much together and I truly feel like we are family. The first time I saw him speak I was moved on an emotional basis. I felt in my heart that he knew exactly what it was like to be me. He knows what it is like to be pushed around because you are different, he knows what it is like to be treated like you are less than a person and he knows better than anyone what it means to be African American.
For years I felt like I couldn't be a part of any political thing because the racists on the right were unbeatable. Our nation has allowed that racist party for more than a hundred years and even some black people were joining THE PARTY OF SLAVERY. On the other hand there were the Democrats. They had done everything they could to help the downcast in our society but it seems that after they gave people of color the right to vote that they hadn't done much. It was like they were saying "We gave you the right to vote - what else do you want?" That's true but it isn't helping us today. If I was lucky I was getting only two meals a day in high school with school breakfast and school lunch but there was no dinner. I felt like the Democrats had back out on us.
95% of minority families are in poverty and when was the last time you heard of a college graduate that represented minorities? Sure some graduate but they don't represent real minorities. They leave the homes they were raised in and barely give money back to the communities. Money they owe!
As I thought about how our future is at stake I saw this brilliant and courageous black man step up. He was just like me. He struggled his whole life and when the Democrats saw how good he was they saw a chance to help black people once again. Our party rallied around Obama like nothing I ever saw. The unity that he inspires can grow throughout the country if we can only keep people like George W. Bush from keeping him out of the white house. They tried to say that women backed Hillary but she didn't even get the votes. The fact is that Bush and CNN and Fox and NPR have been working together to try to split us up.
I stand behind Obama because he gets it. He knows the issues, he knows foreign policy and he is going to even the playing field. Once we get him in office the world will wake up to a brand new unity like it has never had until that day.
Sludge Report
Of course the Sludge Report is at it again. Check out this image they had on the main page.
Notice that Rethuglican Palin is pictured in prayerful obedience. Obama's head is partially cut off. The fact is that there is a lot more to this image than Drudge or anyone that is part of the Republican, MSNBC, CNN crowd would like to have us think.
Remember the story I posted on with the dudes that were planning to assassinate Obama? It is not inconceivable that just such a picture could be used as a "GO-Code". I don't have the evidence but see for yourself.
The other clearly blatant issue with this picture is that a white woman is placed next to a black man. In many cities and states it is still illegal for a black man to touch a white woman. The idea that Drudge is trying to promote is that the black man is going to take white women away from white men. It's just designed to promote fear. There is so much wrong with this picture that I'm surprised it is still up. I don't doubt that it won't be up for long. Watch for my update!

Remember the story I posted on with the dudes that were planning to assassinate Obama? It is not inconceivable that just such a picture could be used as a "GO-Code". I don't have the evidence but see for yourself.
The other clearly blatant issue with this picture is that a white woman is placed next to a black man. In many cities and states it is still illegal for a black man to touch a white woman. The idea that Drudge is trying to promote is that the black man is going to take white women away from white men. It's just designed to promote fear. There is so much wrong with this picture that I'm surprised it is still up. I don't doubt that it won't be up for long. Watch for my update!

Racisim In Unexpected Places
Thank you to my readers who continue to share their thoughts. I don't know how many will be able to find me since my old blog was shut down but I hope they do. If you didn't follow the saga I will recap it briefly. I got a couple of warnings from "The Man" because apparently I was getting too close to the truth. Let that be a warning to you - the white man will let you speak but only to a point. After my warnings I went in today only to find out that I my account was closed and my documents erased. I am desperately trying to get the truth back up but they picked a good day to shut me down. There is a lot to cover today and I am going to try to put up some of my old stuff that I still have copies of. Thanks to AnaMarie, Tony and Turk for sending me there stuff too.
One quick point about Blogspot. I don't know if this is done on purpose but it stood out to me. When I went to choose the layout for my blog I noticed all the nice white templates and then I noticed the name on the ONE black template. It appears someone couldn't be forced to call it "Proud and Black" or "Black Strength" or even something neutral like "Black Power". Instead, they had to call the black template "Minima Black". I am not making this up. Cheyenne says I find racism everywhere and you know - I do. And do you know why - because it's there. I don't think this is blatant but it is one of those examples that is just part of the culture and it takes someone like me to dig it out and expose it.
OK...back on track. I'll be posting old stuff for the next little while but I won't be able to back too far.
One quick point about Blogspot. I don't know if this is done on purpose but it stood out to me. When I went to choose the layout for my blog I noticed all the nice white templates and then I noticed the name on the ONE black template. It appears someone couldn't be forced to call it "Proud and Black" or "Black Strength" or even something neutral like "Black Power". Instead, they had to call the black template "Minima Black". I am not making this up. Cheyenne says I find racism everywhere and you know - I do. And do you know why - because it's there. I don't think this is blatant but it is one of those examples that is just part of the culture and it takes someone like me to dig it out and expose it.
OK...back on track. I'll be posting old stuff for the next little while but I won't be able to back too far.
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